About Tara Anura

I’m Tara Anura, and I’m running for Missouri State Representative to fight for our rights, our democracy, and our future. I’m a lifelong Missourian, a public educator, and a civil servant who believes in the power of we, the people. I need your help to rebuild Missouri. Will you join me?

  • I was raised in the Ozarks and Southeast Missouri by a family of military service members, public educators, business owners, and farmers who love the outdoors. I learned the values of persistence, honesty, and service from them and my chosen family.
  • I graduated from public high school then worked through college and earned a degree at Southeast Missouri State University. I have been a public educator and a civil servant for over 10 years, teaching and serving the people of Missouri.
  • I have Turner Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affects women. I know what it’s like to face challenges and overcome obstacles. I also know the importance of access to quality health care. That’s why I volunteered to get Medicaid expansion on the ballot and passed in Missouri.
  • I trust adults to make their own religious, relationship, and medical decisions. I trust parents and guardians to make the best decisions for their children. As your Missouri State Representative, I won’t waste your tax money or the General Assembly’s time interfering in your business. I will protect our rights to make our own choices and put our tax dollars back into our local schools, libraries, jobs, housing, and community infrastructure.
  • I am the co-founder of Pro-Choice Mid-Missouri. We started in May 2022 and promote reproductive justice through non-violent direct action. Members include people from across Mid-Missouri. If you want to take action for reproductive justice, this group is for you. All faith groups, ethnicities, LGBTQ+ members, classes, and cultures are welcome. We are over 250 members strong.

I’m running for office to remind you that WE, Missourians, are the State government. We must speak loudly, vote, and contest every seat to preserve our democracy and human rights. We deserve better. You deserve better. Together, we can rebuild Missouri.

Volunteer, donate, vote. Bring others with you.

Videos of Tara Anura