Nondiscrimination & Human Rights

Ensuring Equity and Justice for All

On Nondiscrimination & Human Rights...

In the heart of Missouri, we stand at a crossroads - a choice between inclusion and discrimination. With unwavering commitment, I will champion policies that celebrate diversity, embrace justice, and ensure equal rights for all.

Supporting MONA

For over two decades, the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (MONA) has been filed yet consistently blocked by Republicans. MONA presents a promise to extend vital protections to the queer community by adding sexual orientation and gender identity to Missouri's Human Rights Act. Let's be clear: this should not be controversial. Ensuring all people have equal protection is not revolutionary or radical - it's simply constitutional. In Jefferson City, I'll be another vote for MONA, moving us one step closer to equal protection under the law.

Backing the Youth Mental Health Preservation Act

Missouri's Youth Mental Health Preservation Act represents a crucial step in safeguarding the well-being of LGBTQ+ youth across our state. This vital legislation bans the discredited and harmful practice of "conversion therapy" for minors by state-licensed professionals. We must prioritize the mental health of our young people, affirming that they do not need to be "cured" of who they are. The passage of this act will align Missouri with the ethical standards upheld by major medical organizations and nine other states. In the legislature, my support for this bill will be unwavering, as we work to ensure that every young Missourian is embraced and protected.

Pass the Missouri CROWN Act

Imagine a Missouri where no one is discriminated against based on their hairstyle or appearance in the workplace. The Missouri CROWN Act ensures that such discrimination is explicitly prohibited. Support for this legislation stands as a testament to a commitment to a more equitable and inclusive society where all are celebrated for their uniqueness, heritage, and identity rather than subjected to hate and bias.

Repeal the Missouri SAFE Act

We must confront the discriminatory legislation that marginalizes the most vulnerable in our community. The SAFE Act, currently in place, prevents transgender youth, low-income individuals, and incarcerated adults from accessing vital and often life-saving gender-affirming care. I stand ready to repeal this unjust law, ensuring that all Missourians can access the necessary healthcare they deserve, regardless of their gender identity.

Ending Discrimination and Fostering Equity

No Missourian should fear losing their job or facing housing discrimination due to who they love or what gender they identify with. Yet, this discrimination is not only real but entirely legal within our state. The need for legislative action is both clear and pressing. Equally clear and distressing is Republican lawmakers' active engagement in furthering discrimination in our state, including my opponent's. We can no longer tolerate this injustice. We need representatives in Jefferson City who will put forth policy protecting the rights of all Missourians.

Combating Discriminatory Legislation

In recent years, Missouri has seen an alarming trend as Republicans pass legislation that empowers employers, landlords, or businesses to discriminate on the basis of race, age, religion, or gender - exceeding the discriminatory laws of many other states. I want Missouri to succeed, but not in this measure.

A Pledge for Equity and Inclusion

As your state representative, I am resolute in my commitment to forging a Missouri where everyone feels they belong, regardless of their race, religion, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Discrimination has no place in our state, and together, we will work tirelessly to ensure that equity and justice prevail for all Missourians.